NHS Dorset Constitution
The NHS Dorset Constitution is an important document that sets out what we’ll do and how we’ll work.
Our Constitution includes information on the board membership and governance arrangements for NHS Dorset, which is a requirement of the new Health and Care Act 2022.
NHS Dorset leaders have worked with key local stakeholders to develop the constitution before proposing it to NHS England. NHS Dorset’s Constitution came into effect from 1 July 2022.
NHS Dorset Governance Handbook
The Governance Handbook for NHS Dorset Integrated Care Board (ICB) brings together key documents which support the Constitution and promote good governance. It contains practical procedural details for applying the Constitution including the:
- Scheme of Reservation and Delegation (“SoRD”)
- Standing Financial Instructions (“SFI”)
- Terms of Reference for Committees
- Personal Specifications and Role Descriptions of ICB Board
This handbook is not a legal requirement; however, it is an approach that will assist the ICB to build a consistent corporate approach and form part of the corporate memory.
If there is any ambiguity between the Constitution and this handbook, the interpretation in the Constitution will apply.
This handbook will be updated by the Corporate Governance team with the appropriate Committee/ICB Board approval where required. The handbook will then be taken to the Board on an annual basis. Where there are changes to the documents referenced in the Constitution, an application, when necessary, will be made for approval to NHS England.
The full collated handbook is available, but for ease, a summary of the key sections within the handbook and associated links are set out below.
Declarations of interest
Declaring and registering interests
NHS Dorset maintains registers of the interests of:
In accordance with the National Health Service Act 2006, all registers of interest will be published on this website.
All relevant persons must declare any conflict or potential conflict of interest relating to NHS Dorset’s commissioning functions at most within 28 days. This could include interests an individual is pursuing. Interests will also be declared on appointment and during relevant discussion in meetings.
All declarations will be entered in the registers and NHS Dorset will ensure that declarations of interest are made and confirmed or updated at least annually.