NHS continuing healthcare
The National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare has been republished to take into account the change from clinical commissioning groups to integrated care boards. Within NHS Dorset it is health and social care practitioners who will apply on behalf of individuals for NHS continuing healthcare. Members of the public cannot apply for NHS continuing healthcare directly.
Checklist training
NHS Dorset runs checklist training sessions for staff in Dorset who undertake screening for NHS continuing healthcare and complete checklists as part of the NHS continuing healthcare process. NHS Dorset is moving to a position where we only accept checklists from staff who have attended this training to ensure we have high quality appropriate referrals.
Fast-track training
Fast-track training is delivered on a monthly basis by our senior practitioners working in the fast-track team. You can contact the team on phcfasttracktraining@nhsdorset.nhs.uk for further details about sessions.
Continuing care training
We are in the process of developing training for health and social care practitioners working with children and young people. If you would like to submit a referral for continuing care and require assistance as to whether it is appropriate, please contact us.
Funded nursing care training
If you are a registered manager and would like NHS Dorset to undertake training please contact us. We have nurse practitioners working across Dorset who can support you in identifying when NHS continuing healthcare and funded nursing care would be applicable to your residents.
The Department of Health has produced guidance for the application of funded nursing care.