Some children or young people with long-term complex health needs may require a package of continuing care to meet those health needs which cannot be met by existing NHS services.
What is continuing care?
Continuing care is an additional package of care to support parents or carers to meet their child or young person’s health needs. This could be because they cannot be met by existing NHS services.
Some children and young people up to age 18 may have very complex health needs. These may be the result of:
NHS Dorset is responsible for assessing children and young people to see if they need a package of continuing care. To support NHS Dorset, national guidance is available known as the National Framework for Children and Young People’s Continuing Care. Alongside this, NHS Dorset has an operational policy which sets out how children and young people are assessed using the principles in the CYPCC Framework.
When a young person reaches 18, the adult NHS continuing healthcare arrangements apply.
Where can continuing care be provided?
Continuing care can be provided in a variety of different places outside of hospital, including your child or young person’s own home.
Will my child or young person be eligible for continuing care?
Your child or young person’s eligibility for continuing care depends on their assessed needs, and not on any particular diagnosis, condition or prognosis. It also depends on whether there is another NHS service available that can meet your child or young person’s needs.
If your child or young person’s needs change then their eligibility for continuing care will require review. The introduction of a local service which can meet some or all of their needs may also result in changes to their continuing care package. You as the parent or person with parental responsibility will be fully involved in the assessment process and kept informed and have your views about your child or young person’s needs and support taken into account.
How to apply for funding
Please contact your GP, community nurse, health visitor, social worker or any other health care professional involved in the child or young person’s care, who can advise on the appropriateness of an application for continuing care. If appropriate they will make an application on your behalf. Please note that members of the public cannot apply directly for continuing care.