Did you know you can have a say with what goes on at your GP practice and can take part in activities that benefit others?

Patient Participation Group (PPG) members are registered patients who work in partnership with their GP practice. They ensure the patient voice is heard and use the unique mix of skills, knowledge and experience from its members to develop projects and activities that will benefit the practice and the patient population.

Groups work in different ways, some meet in person, others communicate with their practice online – all are keen to welcome new members.

PPG members often receive regular updates from their practice and can be asked to give feedback on their experiences of healthcare in Dorset. There are a variety of other ways PPG members can get involved including taking part in regular PPG webinars, being involved in Primary Care Network (PCN)-level groups and attending county-wide PPG networking meetings.

If you are interested in finding out more about your own PPG, talk to your practice reception team or contact us at communication@nhsdorset.nhs.uk

Meet the team

Gill and Jim are working with Dorset GP practices to develop a strong, county wide network of patient groups. If you would like to get in touch with any of the team, please contact communications@nhsdorset.nhs.uk

Gill Foott
Gill FoottEngagement and Communications Coordinator (PPGs)
Gill Foott joined the team after 21 years at Dorset County Hospital where she was involved in public engagement, setting up events for the Trust membership and working closely with the hospital governors. Gill now supports PPGs in Purbeck, Poole, East Dorset, and North Dorset.
Jim Gammans
Jim GammansEngagement and Communications Coordinator (PPGs)
Jim Gammans joined the NHS following a career working with Age UK and brings with him a wealth of experience in engaging with the public. He works with PPGs in Mid Dorset, West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland, Bournemouth and Christchurch.

Get involved

The National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP) is the national voice for patient participation and offers a wealth of information, ideas and downloadable resources for patient groups.

If you are interested in finding out more about your own PPG or other ways to get involved in our work please contact us at communication@nhsdorset.nhs.uk

Gill and Jim send regular updates to their GP practice, PPG and other key contacts.

To be included in their circulation list please complete the form.