What is the All Age Neurodevelopmental Review?
The All Age Neurodevelopmental Review is looking at access to support and diagnostic services across the whole of Dorset and across all ages, to understand what works, what could be better, and make recommendations for future improvements.
This work is being jointly developed by local stakeholders, through co-production.
The co-production work in 2021 identified 4 workstreams (parts) which are now being worked on to progress the review: –
- Access – improving information
- Improving Support
- Training / Neurodiversity acceptance – for our workforce, parents / family carers, individuals and the wider community
- Assessment and Diagnostic Pathways
What are the aims of the review?
- To consider how we can reduce the referral to diagnostic assessment waiting time and improve pathways in the future
- Create a support offer across the whole life course and not constrained to diagnosis or service specific criteria
- Improve the information, choice and options for post assessment support
- To increase the support and training for the workforce and the community to be able to confidently support people with neurodevelopmental needs
- To improve information for our neurodiverse community and people supporting this group
What is the timescale?
We are working to create a proposal with recommendations during 2023. This will outline the things we need to improve the offer of information and support for the neurodiverse population.
Which organisations are involved?
The review is being carried out by local stakeholders including NHS organisations, Public Health Dorset, Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council along with voluntary sector, parent carer groups, support groups and individuals with lived experience.
Find out more about the governance of the review
All age ADHD and Autism needs assessment
How can I find out more?
This webpage will be regularly updated with progress updates and include resources for anyone to review and provide feedback on.
Validating success questionnaire (May 2023)
Want to get in touch?
If you’d like to get in touch about the All Age Neurodevelopmental Review then please contact the team at