The Prince of Wales Strollers group in Poundbury was formed by the Prince of Wales surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) in May 2023 for people in the area to get out in the fresh air, have a walk, and go for refreshments afterwards. The group has gone from strength to strength, gaining a reputation for the friendships formed and cafes they end up at, as much as the walks themselves!
After some walks had been cancelled due to bad weather, the group made the decision that during the winter months they would meet at a local café first for a drink and a chat and then go for a walk if the weather allowed, which would still enable people to socialise regularly without putting group members at risk.

Barbara Skinner said ‘I formed the Strollers group with Veronica to encourage more local people to get outdoors who may not have had the confidence to join existing walking groups. People can all walk the distance and pace that they feel comfortable, no one gets left behind, and we all enjoy a drink and a cake afterwards.
Our group is as much about conversation as it is about exercise so after the winter weather started, we decided to swap our walks around and have the drink and cake first and go for a walk afterwards, if people are willing and the weather conditions allow. This means our group members know they can still meet, whatever the weather’.
One of the Strollers, also called Barbara said ‘I really enjoy being part of the group and look forward to going for a nice stroll with a friendly group of people. I appreciate the company and feel the group is a good way for people, especially those on their own, to meet and talk to others’.
The Strollers group meets at Peppina’s café, off Peverell Avenue East on the first and third Thursday of each month at 10.30am with a walk afterwards (weather depending) until March. From April the group will revert to meeting at the Prince of Wales surgery at 10am, new Strollers from any GP surgery are always welcome.
For more information on the Prince of Wales Strollers group contact Barbara on 01305 257721 or for information on PPGs please email