Bridges PPG in Weymouth has run a series of clinician-led health sessions aimed at giving people diagnosed with prediabetes or hypertension a better understanding of their condition, sharing tips on how they can proactively manage it to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The sessions have proved to be a popular hit with both patients and staff and are now being rolled out across Weymouth & Portland Primary Care Network (PCN). PPG chairs in Weymouth came to a recent prediabetes session to experience it for themselves.

Sue Brunt, deputy chair of Bridges PPG said “We’re pleased to see our health sessions being expanded across the Weymouth and Portland area. The PPG originally came up with the idea to enable people to ask health professionals questions about their medical conditions, encouraging them to take ownership of their health.
We’re keen to develop other sessions in the future and would love to see more people in Weymouth & Portland taking control of their health, improving their wellbeing and ultimately reducing the strain on GP services in the area.”
Isi Hooley, Diabetes Dietitian for Weymouth & Portland PCN said “Getting people with the same medical condition in a room together shows them they are not alone, and by encouraging them to ask questions, helps them to better understand manage their prediabetes.
The sessions are a good opportunity to signpost people to other support services available including Living Well Taking Control and LiveWell Dorset. Portland has recently started to run prediabetes sessions too and am looking forward to helping other GP practices in the area.”
Patient Participation Groups are run by volunteers and work alongside practice teams within GP surgeries. As well as providing feedback to practices on services and helping get information to the wider patient population, PPGs work on projects that bring health and wellbeing benefits to their fellow patients.
For more information on PPG-led health sessions please contact: