Once the summer season ends and the children head back to school, our community engagement work goes up a notch or two! It’s always good to see the meetings, events and activities planned during this period, here are some highlights from our month.

Our colleagues at the Citizens Advice Bureau have teamed up with Southern Gas Network to offer energy advice across Dorset and in September launched their energy advice bus, taking their expertise into the community. Jim went to their launch on Portland and talked to several people about the positive impact this mobile service is hoping to provide. More information about the CAB’s energy bus.

Gill was all over the county again this month at lots of PPG meetings! Starting in Blandford where the PPG reviewed its Terms of Reference, Canford Heath where we were joined by some new PPG members, Sherborne (Grove Surgery) where we had an excellent presentation from the executive head teacher of the Sherborne Area Schools Trust, Cranborne in Verwood where the PPG reviewed the results of the recent patient survey and were delighted to read the new PPG recruitment leaflet, Swanage where the PPG was introduced to Ellie Suthers, Senior Staff Nurse at Lewis-Manning Hospice Care, and Hadleigh PPG in Broadstone where the PPG met the new social prescriber. It’s certainly fair to say there’s always a lot going on with Dorset’s PPGs!

Jim attended several PPG meetings this month. The Wyke meeting included a conversation about appointment reminders for patients, the Queens Avenue group welcomed Ryan, the new practice manager who is helping to increase PPG membership, and the Cross Road Group discussed fundraising to replace the practice waiting area flooring. He also attended the first meeting of the Farmhouse PPG in Christchurch. The practice manager and GP partner were joined by a number of supportive patients and plans are being made to develop the group over the coming months.

Gill hosted the quarterly Purbeck PPG Chairs group and was really pleased to introduce the two new co-chairs of Wellbridge PPG in Wool to the other group members. It’s so helpful for PPG representatives to be able to chat to others and learn from their experiences, as well as bounce around their own ideas and get feedback from their peers. This time we had an excellent presentation from Naomi Mason from Public Health Dorset who talked to us about all the support available in the local area. If your group or organisation would like a similar presentation, please do let Gill know and she will put you in touch.

For the last 18 months Jim has been part of a project group, which includes different parts of the NHS, local authorities and voluntary community organisations, working together to help identify the services needed to improve the lives of people living on Portland. This work is still ongoing but the model for the project is being replicated in other areas of Dorset, staring with Boscombe. Jim went to a planning meeting for the group where they’re looking to send out questionnaires and have community conversations along with analysing the existing intelligence already known about the area. If you live or work in the Boscombe area and would like to be involved please contact Jim: james.gammans@nhsdorset.nhs.uk

Both Gill and Jim’s event planning skills were called into action in September where they were asked to help organise NHS Dorset’s annual presentation of their report and accounts. This year also included a public information event where people could see a snapshot of some of the great work going on in the local area. The Friendly Food Club came along to give people a food sensory experience, which was a real hit!

Gill was really excited to attend the inaugural meeting of the Dorset Frailty and Falls Prevention Group. The initial workshop outlined the aims and objectives and how we can work together to ensure Dorset’s residents age as healthily and as well as they possibly can. We talked about improving opportunities for nutrition and wellbeing support for older people, using local knowledge to identify unlisted services, and using data from the Dorset Intelligence and Insight Service (DiiS) to identify people at risk of financial, digital, social and unhealthy behaviours. The group will align its work with the Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs) to inform a Dorset strategy. It’s an incredibly exciting project and Gill is really pleased to be a part of it.

Jim met with the Atrium Practice in Dorchester where he heard about their work with the local LGBTQ+ community to create a pride display board display board that won a gold award from Pride in Practice. He is working with Weymouth Gay Group, who support LGBTQ+ people in the wider Dorset area, to promote the support they offer through more GP practices in the area.

Jim met with John from Weymouth & Portland PPG chairs group, Anna from Public Health Dorset and Emily from Dorset Council in September. The meeting was really positive and amongst the conversations he heard that Weymouth & Portland Primary Care Network (PCN) have agreed to compile and publish a bi-monthly wellbeing newsletter focusing on healthy eating, exercise and wellbeing/positive thinking. John is working with groups including Bournemouth University, Active Dorset and Dorset Mental Health Forum to provide regular contributions to the newsletter.

Outside of work Jim celebrated a big birthday with family and friends and had a fantastic meal at Yalbury Cottage, which has been on his list of must visit places for years! Gill celebrated her sister’s 70th birthday with her sister and niece with a boat trip to Portland where she met a furry friend on board followed by a trip around the island in a Mini Moke, finishing off the month with a weekend away with friends in Majorca!

As the nights start to draw in our diaries are already starting to fill up with exciting meetings and events; we’ll hopefully see you at one soon!