Armed Forces Day takes place on 29 June 2024 and is a chance to show support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving personnel to Service families, veterans, and cadets.

There are around 2.4 million British Armed Forces Veterans in Great Britain, of whom 89% are male and 60% are aged 65 and over.

About 18,000 service people move back into civilian life every year. While most of these individuals have similar levels of health to the general population, around 2,000 leave on medical grounds. The top reasons for medical discharge are for issues relating to back, knees, mental health, and hearing.

GP practices in Dorset are continuing to show their commitment to local veterans with over 80% being accredited as Veteran Friendly.

Veteran Friendly Accredited Practices is a programme run by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and NHS England to recognise and support practices in delivering the best possible care and treatment for patients who have served in the armed forces.

Becoming a Veteran Friendly practice means staff will have a better understanding of veteran needs be that physical or mental health.

Across Dorset 85% of practices have accreditation making it the third highest rate in England.

Find out more about Armed Forces Day at