This is the last time we’ll say this for a while but we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! We’ve had a busy January; here are some of the highlights we’d like to share with you.
You may know the government has requested a review of the NHS’ 10-year plan, focusing on the use of technology, delivering hospital care closer to home and preventing illnesses occurring in the first place. Gill and Jim have both been involved with facilitating workshops for different groups of people in the county. Jim supported sessions for the Veterans & Armed Forces community, a youth forum, and NHS staff. Gill supported sessions for the NHS Dorset Board of Directors, Staff Engagement Champions, and the NHS Dorset Public Engagement Group and Digital Public Engagement Group.
Gill’s month of January started off with a fantastic meeting of the Purbeck Integrated Neighbourhood Team (INT) group. It was so exciting to meet with the group leads and hear about their plans to take the INT forward – more of this to follow in future months as things develop!
Jim went to a number of PPG meetings this month including Central Bournemouth PPG where there was a good discussion about digital ways of contacting GP practices, Bridport PPG talked about ways the group could help support the practice, and at the Puddletown core PPG meeting Jim heard the PPG has raised enough money to purchase a blood pressure machine for the practice waiting area.
Gill and Jim went to the Trusted Voices networking meeting in Poole, which was a good opportunity to hear from organisations in Dorset who are helping to support people facing health and care inequalities. Jim also went to the Weymouth Town Council networking event where he caught up with some familiar faces and made new contacts, including colleagues from Homestart Wessex.

Jim went to a hypertension support session, organised by Weymouth & Portland Primary Care Network. The event, which came from a PPG initiative, gives people with high blood pressure the right tools and information to help them better manage their condition at home, while reducing their reliance on their GP practice. More sessions are being planned for the coming months; for more information, please contact Jim.
Gill was pleased as always to be invited to some great PPG meetings this month: the Grove Surgery PPG in Sherborne received some insight from one of the GPs into her working week; Swanage PPG discussed the promotion of services available at Swanage Hospital; Yetminster PPG reported on their very good Friends and Family test results; and Penny’s Hill PPG discussed the upcoming NHS App demonstration session to patients. Gill also hosted the regular meeting of the Purbeck Primary Care Network PPG chairs, which is always a really helpful meeting and allows PPG representatives to meet and share their experiences and knowledge.
Jim went to Weymouth & Portland health and wellbeing fair, promoting the work of PPGs in the local area. The bad weather tried to put a dampener on the event but many people still came along to pick up information, have their blood pressure checked and get a vaccination.
The Association of Residents of Canford Heath (ARCH) again invited Gill along to their meeting where the speaker was James Leyland, Practice Manager at Canford Heath surgery. James gave a hugely enjoyable and very entertaining talk about his role and about all the additional services available to patients across the PCN area – thank you James!

Jim also went to a training, recruitment and employment fair in Bournemouth called Thrive in 2025. He was really pleased to see the event packed with people looking to either get into the jobs market or further their career in Dorset. He took the opportunity to have catchups with colleagues from LiveWell Dorset, Bournemouth East Primary Care Network and Diane, a governor at University Hospitals Dorset.

Outside of work Jim went to his brother’s birthday meal and saw his new art studio. Jim and Kelly also went for a swim in the sea, something they’re aiming to do every month this year! Gill and her husband spent a weekend visiting their daughter, son in law and grandson for “second Christmas” as their grandson had chickenpox all over Christmas. They also went to London to see MJ The Musical (highly recommended!).