Here we are at the end of February and spring has very definitely sprung in PPG land! Many of Dorset’s PPGs are back meeting face-to-face which from our experience is always the best form of engagement, and it’s always good to be out and about meeting and working with you all.
Gill went along to the first face-to-face PPG meeting in Sturminster Newton since the pandemic. She was really interested to hear about the group’s plans to hold a men’s health event, as well as hearing about the practice’s change over to using the Klinik online consultation platform. In Cranborne, the Cranborne & Lake Road PPG met online and Gill was really pleased to hear a presentation from one of the primary care network’s social prescribers. The PPG also updated their action plan and showcased some of their information videos they had put together to help support the practice. Gill’s next visit was to Broadstone where she met with staff from the Hadleigh House and Harvey practices and talked about ideas of how to revitalise their PPGs.
Jim has been working with several GP practices and PPGs recently to help increase the number of people involved with their local group, this included Bridges PPG where he was pleased to see many new members at the online meeting. The group had a really good discussion about the practice website and will be meeting again soon to plan activities for the future.
Alongside the discussions Jim’s been having to increase the membership of PPGs, there have been conversations about the name ‘PPG’ – do other patients know what a PPG does, would another name encourage more people to join the group? Some groups are looking to be known as ‘friends of the practice’ – they would still retain their remit as PPG but they are aiming to have a more universal appeal to fellow patients. One group is even considering merging their health champions group with the PPG and become a friends group!
Jim and Gill met with our colleagues at Dorset Healthcare representatives who have carried out a “deep dive” into the data for take up of COVID booster vaccinations. In areas where figures show low uptake they have looked into the reasons why and have put together a strategy to schedule pop up clinics in areas where people go on a regular basis.
Gill hosted the bi-monthly meeting of PPG leads from North Dorset, where representatives from PPGs in the three North Dorset PCNs come together regularly to share information and experience. It’s always a lively meeting with lots of interesting discussions being shared!
Gill and Jim both supported the ‘100 conversations’ initiative this month by interviewing Dorset residents about their daily lives and experiences of the health, social care and voluntary and community sector services in the county. More people are needed to take part in the project, if you know anyone who would be interested please see more information, or get in touch with Gill or Jim.
Jim and Gill also met with Dorset County Hospital’s Transformation Team, where we heard about the Active Hospitals initiative and how PPGs can support this project.
More of Gill’s PPGs held meetings to which Gill was very pleased to be invited: Westbourne PPG where we heard about dementia reviews; Swanage PPG where we heard about the Purbeck car emergency response service; Barcellos PPG at Tricketts Cross where Gill was delighted to hear about the new members joining the group; and Corfe Castle PPG where we had a really useful and informative update from the practice team, and the group also discussed restarting its community health talks.

Outside of work Gill celebrated her birthday with her husband, children and their partners. From the photo it’s clear that a good time was had by all! She also very much enjoyed looking after her grandson and taking him to playgroup.
Jim spent much of the month in the garden redesigning the fruit and veg plot for the coming spring. He also visited Twickenham Rugby Stadium with his wife and had a ‘behind the scenes’ tour, which included sitting in the royal box, walking down the tunnel and seeing the England team’s changing room – he’d definitely recommend this if you’re a fan of rugby!

As we slide into March, Jim and Gill have more PPG meetings to go along to and more practices to support in revitalising or relaunching their groups. We’re always delighted to help, so please do get in touch!