Staff at Westbourne Medical Centre are teaming up to take part in Race for Life to raise money and awareness for cancer by running this year’s Poole Pretty Muddy 5K for Cancer Research UK.
“This cause means a lot to us as a team,” explains Tyne Cross, Quality Improvement Manager at Westbourne Medical Centre. “We have managed to get 15 of us involved including Patient Co-ordinators, Administrators, Managers, a Nurse Associate, and a GP.
“A member of our Patient Co-ordinator team, Lynn Sainval, started this group when one of our colleagues was off work battling cancer. Lynn wanted our colleague to know that we were coming together as a team and completing this race to show our support whilst she was going through treatment. Tragically she passed away in April which has deeply saddened us all.”
The Race for Life Pretty Muddy, is a 5K obstacle course. Starting in Baiter Park in Poole, the team at Westbourne will have to scramble over an A-frame and crawl through mud pits as part of a run that loops around Poole Park and Whitecliff.
“We can’t believe the support we have already had, we’ve reached 80% of our target donation Thank you. We will keep everyone posted on how we do on the day,” said Dr Holly Foster of Westbourne Medical Centre, who will be running with the team on the day.

“It is important to me to do this run to support our team here at the practice and to raise awareness about cancer. We know that the earlier cancer is diagnosed, the better the outcome for the person. If you have any concerns about yourself or a loved one, contact your practice today to make an appointment.”
Joe Le Quesne, Patient Co-ordinator at Westbourne Medical Centre said, “I wanted to join this event with the team to support our colleague who had cancer. Sadly, I have also been diagnosed with skin cancer myself recently.
“Since our colleague passed away, it’s hit the team hard and for me personally as I am now undergoing treatment which is difficult. However, with the support of my family and colleagues here at WMC, I am going to complete this 5K Race even if the team have to drag me round!”.
May is skin cancer awareness month. It’s important to be aware of what signs to look out for of skin cancer and to get any symptoms checked out by your GP. If you notice a mole that has changed in size, shape or colour or any pain, bleeding, or itchiness for example, do not ignore this. Normal moles generally do not change over time.
The best protection in the sun, especially between 11am and 3pm is to cover up, wear a hat and use sunscreen, preferably 4* or 5* UVA with at least an SPF 30.
For more information on the symptoms of cancer, including skin cancer, visit Cancer – NHS (
“I am not keen on getting muddy,” adds Tyne, “but it’s such a good cause and if it helps support my colleagues at the practice then I am proud to be involved. We have all purchased matching t-shirts so you will be able to spot us if you are coming down to support us!”
The race starts at 13:00 on Saturday 3rd June from Baiter Park in Poole. The team at Westbourne have a donations page here: WMC 2023 (