The Dorset ICS Cancer Programme is working to prevent cancer, diagnose cancer early, achieve the best possible and fair outcomes for people experiencing cancer, and treat our patients as individuals with personalised and equitable care for all.

We ensure that clinical expertise and evidence-based care drives improvements in outcomes for cancer patients. To do this, we work in partnership with the Wessex Cancer Alliance, and with NHS England in the southwest and southeast.

Dorset ICS Cancer Programme and Wessex Cancer Alliance provide guidance and support to NHS trusts, when preparing robust equality impact assessments for cancer services, including those in Dorset, these are published on the specific trust sites.

The Wessex Cancer Alliance communications and patient, care-giver and public involvement strategy 2020-2024 describes how people are involved in work and activities, including people living in Dorset.

Furthermore, there is a focus on inequalities which has led to more involvement of communities who experience poorer access, experience, and outcomes in cancer care. The report includes how communities are involved in the work of the Wessex Cancer Alliance and recognises that there is more to do to involve people who are less likely to have a voice in decision making. A new communications and patient participation involvement strategy is in development with a commitment to address inequalities, which will include NHS Dorset representatives.

Further examples of how NHS Dorset is including people with protected characteristics in co-design and meeting the equality duties in respect of cancer services is included in the annual report on participation, and reports from engagement work which has included patients in Dorset e.g. Right By YouRaising awareness, Communities against cancer.