We are delighted to announce a further Board appointment to NHS Dorset. We have successfully appointed Neil Bacon to the role of Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer Designate.

Neil has kindly written a few words which we wanted to share with you. ​​​​​​​

We would like to share our congratulations and thank everyone involved in the recruitment process for this post.

The interviews for the Chief Operating Officer took place last Friday. We were successful in appointing a candidate and an announcement will be made in the coming weeks. This leaves the Chief Nursing Officer role outstanding. We are currently undertaking another round of advertising for this post.

Thank you.

Jenni Douglas-Todd

Chair Designate

NHS Dorset

Patricia Miller OBE

Chief Executive Designate

NHS Dorset

Neil is a doctor and leader who has founded businesses, building and inspiring teams of all sizes from start-ups to a global healthcare charity; growing organisations that make a difference. He is an entrepreneur and CEO with experience across multiple sectors: having worked as a nephrologist in Harvard and Oxford, he then turned to business, founding two innovative technology/data healthcare businesses, before transforming a global not-for-profit for the digital age. His focus is on innovations that improve people’s lives: human-centered innovation.

Neil has a passion in taking brilliant digital ideas and technologies from different sectors and applying them to meet large-scale human needs and social challenges in a way that creates lasting change. His energy is in leading, enabling and teaching others to do the same.

“As someone who lives in, and loves, Dorset I could not be more excited about the opportunity that the team has to work closely with and for my fellow residents. Throughout my career I have been humbled and motivated by working both with those who give and those who receive care and support. I believe we can, and will, transform and improve our services for everybody in the county, thinking in innovative and compassionate ways to make Dorset a great place to live and work.” ​​​​​​​

About NHS Dorset

NHS Dorset is the public name of NHS Dorset Integrated Care Board (ICB), which is set to come into being on 1 July 2022.

NHS Dorset will undertake the statutory responsibilities of the current Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and will also be responsible for planning to meet the healthcare needs of people and communities in Dorset.

NHS Dorset will work with others to:

  • Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare;
  • Tackle inequalities in outcome and access;
  • Enhance productivity and value for money;
  • Help the NHS deliver broader social and economic development, particularly post the COVID-19 pandemic.

NHS Dorset will listen to people and communities across Dorset, see things from their perspective, and co-design the services that people really need going forward, so that we can support people to live healthy and happy lives from cradle to old age.