Continuing care is a two-step process. The first stage is a referral and the second stage is a full assessment for continuing care.
Continuing care referral
Your child or young person’s NHS health practitioner or social worker will consider whether it is appropriate to refer your child or young person to NHS Dorset for an assessment. They will complete a referral form to NHS Dorset. Before a referral is made the process should be discussed with you and you should be provided with the public information leaflet produced by the Department of Health and Social Care.
As part of the referral a consent form will be completed. The person with parental responsibility will usually be asked to give consent to the sharing of information. However, in some circumstances a child under 16 can consent and your child’s health or social care practitioner will assess at the time whether this is the case. There are different arrangements for young people over 16 as they are presumed to have the ability to consent unless assessed otherwise. If you would like further information about how we use and share your data please visit our information and sharing page.
On receipt of the referral NHS Dorset will review the referral and decide whether a full assessment is needed. Depending on the outcome of this review, you will either be told that your child or young person does not meet the criteria for an assessment for continuing care, or NHS Dorset will arrange for a full assessment. If your child or young person is referred for a full assessment this does not mean they are eligible, only that a full assessment should be completed.
NHS Dorset will arrange an appointment to complete the full assessment. NHS Dorset is required to make a decision about eligibility for continuing care within six weeks of accepting the referral and confirming that a full assessment for continuing care is needed. Your appointment date will reflect this in order that the full assessment can be completed within the six weeks. If you are unable to make this appointment, we would ask that you discuss this with us as soon as possible.
Continuing care full assessment
The referral will be allocated to a nurse within the All Age Continuing Care Team who will work closely with children’s social care and any other health practitioners involved in your child or young person’s care to obtain up to date information regarding their needs. If your child or young person is at school, we will also work with the school.
Seven key things to know:
Review of the decision
You can ask NHS Dorset for a review of the eligibility decision. This needs to be done within two months from the date of the decision letter.
What happens if my child or young person is eligible for support?
If your child or young person is eligible for continuing care, the next stage is to arrange a care and support package that meets their assessed health needs.
NHS Dorset will work collaboratively with the person who has parental responsibility and consider their views along with that of the child or young person where appropriate when agreeing their care and support package and the setting where it will be provided. However, NHS Dorset can also take other factors into account, such as the cost and value for money of different options.
It can take some time to source care which is dependent on individual circumstances, this may be due to the level of care required and the availability of care in the area in which your child or young person lives. There is currently a national shortage of care workers across all health and care services which may impact on the availability and choice of care offered to your child or young person.
The care that NHS Dorset offers will always need to be determined as clinically safe. Due to the restricted availability of care, the options offered to your child or young person will be the safest option that NHS Dorset are able to offer at that time. The person with parental responsibility or a child or young person with capacity has the right to decline care. Alternative arrangements would then need to be made by the person with parental responsibility.
Personal health budgets
From April 2014 anyone eligible for NHS continuing healthcare wanting to have their care provided outside of a care home setting may be able to receive the money they need to meet their healthcare needs as a personal health budget in the form of a direct payment. This gives people a greater choice over how, when and who provides their care and support.
Healthcare reviews
If your child or young person is eligible their needs and support package will normally be reviewed within three months and thereafter at least annually. This review will consider whether the existing care and support package meets their assessed needs. If their needs have changed, the review will also consider whether they are still eligible for continuing care.
If your child or young person’s needs change in the future, you may cease to be entitled to continuing care. If this happens and care and support is still required, NHS Dorset will refer your child or young person to the local authority for an assessment.
Fast-track funding
Children or young people who require a fast-track assessment because of the nature of their health needs (such as palliative care) should be referred to NHS Dorset by their health professional as quickly as possible. This is so that NHS Dorset can assess the child or young person and put in place immediate support if there is an identified continuing care need.