NHS Dorset spends over £25,000

Contract and tendering

Any Qualified Provider (AQP)

GP Investment Report 2021-2022

How we spend

Spends of over £25,000.00

NHS Dorset is committed to being an open and transparent organisation.

As part of this commitment, we will produce a monthly report showing details of payments we have made to our suppliers over £25,000. Future reports will be published on this page.

Contracts and tenders

Providing services to the NHS

Whether you are a multinational company, a small local independent, an NHS body or third sector organisation and you feel you can provide us with healthcare services, please get in touch.

We are particularly keen to hear from organisations who can deliver health services in new and innovative ways.

Any Qualified Provider

Any Qualified Provider (AQP) contracts awarded under The Provider Selection Regime (PSR) Direct Award B. 

Under the NHS Constitution a patient has the right of choice of a provider and team for an elective referral for first outpatient appointment (new episode of care).  For choice to apply, the patient must be referred by a GP, optometrist, or dentist into secondary care to a service and team that are led by a consultant or mental healthcare professional.

NHS Dorset is responsible for accreditation of providers who wish to secure a contract under the AQP regime, who have CQC registered locations within Dorset.

NHS Dorset publishes its policies on certain interventions on this website which should be considered before applying.  Before submitting an application, please check you have the following information:

  1. Details of the CQC registration for the locations in Dorset that you will be providing services from.  Applications for contracts for locations outside of Dorset should be made to the Integrated Care Board (ICB) within whose geographical footprint the location sits.
  2. For virtual, remote or online services, the ‘virtual’ (Dorset) location needs to be registered with CQC for a contract to be awarded by NHS Dorset.
  3. Your ODS code for the location(s) you will be operating from.
  4. Evidence of completion of the Data Security & Protection toolkit
  5. Evidence of registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office

Should you wish to discuss the proposed service and pathway you wish to provide please contact our Elective Care Team.

GP Investment Report 2021-2022

Please note that this document states NHS Dorset CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) because the organisation was operating as the CCG in 2021-2022.