Summer has finally arrived and whether you are spending it in your back garden, heading down to the coast or visiting shops and restaurants, the advice is to visit and find out where to go if you feel ill.

Think self-care

Check the latest weather forecast and dress appropriately.

Wear sunscreen – remember to wear sunscreen of at least factor 30 and keep topping it up during the day.

Avoid being in direct sunlight between 11am and 3pm if you can and wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your head and eyes.

Stay hydrated – make sure you take on fluids throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Babies and children are more at risk of dehydration than adults so make sure you keep an eye on them.

If you feel ill, know where to go

If you become ill seek help sooner rather than later – don’t wait until it is an emergency.

In the first instance use or call 111.

When you call you will be given advice or booked in for a face-to-face appointment with the right service.

If you or someone you are with has an emergency or is in a life-threatening situation, don’t hesitate call 999.

Use Digital Health services

The Digital Health App Library recommends apps that help with a wide range of health conditions, from managing joint and muscular problems, to how to improve mental wellbeing

The Our Dorset Video Library provides advice and guidance on a range of conditions and general health

Healthier Together provides advice for parents, young people and pregnant women

Pharmacists and their teams are an essential part of the NHS and can help provide you with the medicines and advice you need, often buying over the counter is cheaper and quicker than getting them on prescription, visit the NHS Dorset website and search for ‘over the counter’.

To find your nearest pharmacy visit