Mike Watson, a PPG member at Prince of Wales surgery and Volunteer Digital Champion for Dorset Council has created a talk to help share his knowledge about digital health technology. Members of the Prince of Wales PPG in Poundbury were Mike’s first audience, helping him finetune his presentation before he starts taking his presentation to different groups across the county.

Mike said “as a volunteer digital champion I get to help people on a one-to-one basis, giving them more digital confidence. I know there are many more people in the community who use the internet everyday for connecting to loved ones, online shopping, banking and reading the news but fewer people manage their health digitally.

My talk is aimed at showing people how easy it can be for them to access their health records, view test results and order repeat prescriptions through their GP practice website or from a trusted app such as the NHS app. Using digital technology can save people time rather than phoning or visiting their GP practice and also helps free-up the GP’s phone lines so people less digitally able can get through to their practice more quickly – it’s a win-win for everyone.”

Peter Hazelton, chair of Prince of Wales PPG said “I’ve used the NHS app several times before and Mike’s talk was still an eye-opener for me. I feel his talk would suit health-app novices through to those more experienced in managing their health online.”

Patient Participation Groups are run by volunteers and work alongside practice teams within GP surgeries. As well as providing feedback to practices on services and helping get information to the wider patient population, PPGs work on projects that bring health and wellbeing benefits to their fellow patients.

For more information on Mike’s digital health talks or to check availability please contact the Dorset digital hotline: 01305 221048 For more information on PPGs please contact: communication@nhsdorset.nhs.uk