A new partnership to improve population health, boost economic growth and create better health and care outcomes for patients and wider society has formally launched.

Wessex Health Partners (WHP) is a strategic alliance of organisations in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, which aims to accelerate better health and care through research, innovation and training.

NHS Dorset is one of the founders of this unique partnership, which includes NHS organisations, universities and the region’s health innovation network, Health Innovation Wessex.

Today the collaboration agreement, signed by the leaders of each of the founding partners, was finalised, officially launching the alliance.

The collaboration agreement sets out the commitment made by the founding partners to work together to achieve shared ambitions.

These include improving the region’s collective ability to tackle the greatest challenges facing the Wessex health and care system, generating greater collaborative and interdisciplinary research, and speeding the development and adoption of innovation at scale.

Through its established connections with the life sciences industry, WHP also aims to drive economic growth, creating jobs and attracting investment to the region.

Ashleigh Boreham, Deputy Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer, NHS Dorset, said: “NHS Dorset is committed to making Dorset the healthiest place to live, and as an integrated care board it is vital that we work with our communities to understand their needs, enabling prevention, diagnosis and treatment, to manage conditions and add quality life years for every person. Working with our research partners gives us better capacity and capability to discover and innovate at scale, increasing our tempo to deliver change”.

Professor William Rosenberg, Chair of WHP, said: “With today’s formal launch, our founding members make a commitment to work together as Wessex Health Partners and tackle the health and care challenges experienced locally, but also in the rest of the UK and much of the world.

“From work to create a greener and more sustainable health service, to utilising advances in genomic medicine to support improvements in diagnosis, treatments and prevention, WHP will focus on understanding health and care needs and identifying where research, innovation and training can provide a solution.

“Together, we want to improve the health and wellbeing of our local population, helping people to live happy and healthy lives. With its state-of-the-art research facilities, cutting-edge centres, world-leading researchers and expert innovators, Wessex is an exciting place to deliver research and develop innovations which have global impact.”

Christine McGrath, Managing Director of WHP, added: “The signing of the collaboration agreement by WHP’s founding partners marks the start of an exciting programme of work, which will see us shine a spotlight on Wessex as a centre of excellence in research, innovation and training.

“Through WHP, we’re creating a vibrant culture for research and innovation, making it easier for individuals and organisations across our region to connect and collaborate, sharing experience, expertise and resources for the benefit of the communities we serve.

“By harnessing our strengths and mobilising the region’s expertise, we’re helping to address local priorities, transform health and care services, and improve health outcomes for our population and wider society.”

To learn more about WHP, visit the website or contact the team. For regular updates, you can also connect with WHP on LinkedIn and X, or sign up to the mailing list.