There are around 35,505 unpaid carers in the Dorset Council area who support a loved one, family member or friend who could not manage without them. 

 Carers Week is 5 – 11June 2023 and the theme is ‘recognising and supporting carers in the community’ and local GP practices are improving their support for those who carry out this crucial role. 

Nine GP practices in Dorchester and the surrounding areas are currently doing exciting work improving their support for patients who are unpaid carers.  

Unpaid carers can be anyone of any age who care for a loved one, family member or friend who could not manage without the support they provide them.  

Christine Carter from Mid Dorset, who cares full time for her husband at home, is part of the new Better Care for Carers scheme explains,

“The aim is to highlight the recognition and needs of being a full time carer.  

“It has been a great help to me being registered at my doctors surgery as a carer to my husband. It is a great comfort to know that when I need help and support it is there for me. 

“Much time and effort is being put into this project by all the team and I am sure, that like myself, it is very much appreciated by carers.”

Better Care for Carers is an accreditation where practices will be recognised for the support they are providing for their unpaid carers, encouraging GP practices to have a consistent approach of support. The accreditation awards a practice one of four levels: bronze, silver, gold or platinum based on their level of support to carers. 

 Carers Lead for Mid Dorset Primary Care Network, Jackie Hicken said,

“It is very much about all staff within these practices having a role to play in supporting carers, working towards a complete shift in culture​. 

“Unpaid carers are encouraged to let their practice know they have caring responsibilities because their GP can then take this into account when supporting them. We know that caring responsibilities often makes people less able to look after themselves effectively due to extra pressures and demands on them.

“The Better Care for Carers Scheme helps to make this support consistent and recognised.”

Harriet Steven, Better Care for Carers Scheme Project Lead adds,

“We are working alongside carers, who bring a unique perspective, to improve how we provide relevant information to them, both digitally and within practices. Through discussions with these carers, we now send our newly identified carers a Carers Information Pack for example.  

 “Working with our unpaid carers helps to make sure the changes and improvements we make meet carers needs and positively impacting on carers lives.” 


Unpaid carer in the local area, Amanda Watson, has been a part of these discussions,

As someone who has been a family carer for 3 family members, I have appreciated being able to share my experience of accessing health care with the working group. I feel that the project team have listened to our experiences and valued our suggestions and ideas. At the same time, it has given me an insight into the priorities and mechanisms in place in GP practices so I feel better informed and able to pass that information on to other family carers. 

The practices that are offering this service are planning a ‘Caring for Carers’ information event on Wednesday the 7th of June to be held at Dorchester Museum, where carers can come along and have the chance to meet 20+ services providing support in their local area. There will even be a chance for carers to get a ‘mini health check’. 

 For further information about events happening across the county during Carers Week please visit the Our Dorset Carers Week 2023 page – Carers Week 2023: 5-11 June – Our Dorset 



Other useful links 

Carer Support Dorset provides support to people of all ages who provide care and support to an adult living in the Dorset Council area: 

0800 368 8349 

When the person you care for is over 18 years and lives in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council area contact CRISP: 

01202 128787 


Young people living in BCP area aged under 18 years who are caring for an adult should contact Children’s First Response Hub: 

01202 123334 

Please let your GP Practice know that you care for someone.