BERTIE (face-to-face)
BERTIE is a four week course for people with type 1 diabetes, which involves attending a 6-hour group education programme once a week for four consecutive weeks. The time between sessions is used for participants to put their newly-learned skills into practice. The aims of the course are:
- for participants to achieve their own goals relating to their diabetes
- for participants to learn how to adjust their insulin according to their lifestyle and not vice versa
- for participants to learn how diabetes can affect their health, and what they can do to stay healthy
BERTIE (online)
BERTIE online offers a mixture of written information, some interactive activities and quizzes as well as videos prepared by expert diabetes educators (nurses, dietitians, doctors, and psychologists) including some that show the personal stories of people living with type 1 diabetes.
You will also be able to track your progress, find links to useful external resources, as well as read about other’s experiences and share your own.
You can undertake the whole course from beginning to end, covering all aspects of managing type 1 diabetes or dip into the most relevant topics in each module that suit your needs.