We want to provide a safe, supportive environment for children and young people living with diabetes. This starts by offering support and education to their family, teachers and peers.

Support from your local Children and Young People’s Diabetes Team
Your local Children and Young People’s Diabetes Team comprises of Health Care Professionals especially trained in Children’s Diabetes and include paediatric diabetes specialist doctors, nurses, dietitians and psychologists.
Following diagnosis of Diabetes the local children’s diabetes team will:
Support at home
Parents and carers can help children and young people manage their condition by:
Support at school
Your local Children and Young People’s Diabetes Team will work in partnership with the child or young person, parents or carers and school to provide diabetes advice, guidance and training. The team will complete an Individual Health Care Plan for use in school.
Becoming independent
As young people grow in independence, helping them navigate new experiences while managing diabetes is especially important.
This could include: